Home PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 2 Questions to Help You Ensure That Your Rituals Are Effective

2 Questions to Help You Ensure That Your Rituals Are Effective

by Nancy Hamilton

Even though we don’t use the term rituals often, everyone has them. They are simply tasks we perform every day. They are so integrated into our daily lives that they become automatic. It could be things like getting ready for bed and showering, setting up the coffeemaker for the morning, running, or relaxing. To help us manage our time better or become a better person, we may add new rituals to our day.

It is when rituals feel more painful than they are enjoyable that it becomes a problem. This can cause frustration and make it more difficult to move forward. It doesn’t need to be this way. It doesn’t have to be that way.

We have the power to choose how we want our days to be structured. We can decide what we need to be focused, productive, and relaxed. Rituals are a way to get there. They can be adjusted as needed. But where do we start?

You can make sure your rituals are effective by asking these questions:

  1. How would I like to feel? Your ritual can help you decide what kind of feeling you want. Do you desire to feel relaxed? Are you ready to feel peaceful? Do you desire to feel empowered and inspired? It’s easy to admire the rituals of others, and then decide that you want them. However, what works for someone else might not work for you. You might not feel the same way. It is perfectly acceptable to look at others for inspiration. However, you must design rituals that are best for you . They should also meet the goal of how you want your body to feel when you get out of them.
  2. Does my current ritual contribute to the feeling you want? Start by writing down all the things you do. You can then reevaluate every part of your rituals. Does it give you the feeling that you desire? If they do not, you can get rid of them. To get the desired effect, you can either remove them or add a new one. A ritual might produce the feeling you want, but it may not be at the right time. Do not be afraid to switch parts of your rituals. A morning workout can help you get your day started if you’re too tired to exercise at night. You have the freedom to do whatever you like when it suits you best.

This will force you to slow down and assess your emotions. It may not seem obvious, but our emotions can play a significant role in our ability be productive and focused. It’s more than what’s outside of us. It’s also what’s within us. It can be scary, but be honest with your self.

What do you feel right now? Or how would you like to feel in the future? Do rituals currently directing you to that feeling? Or are they hindering your progress? If you answer these questions honestly, you will feel more in control and the cascading effect all through your day.

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