Home LEADERSHIP 5 Steps to a Brighter, Better Future

5 Steps to a Brighter, Better Future

by Nancy Hamilton
I had an idea years ago that I wanted to share with one of my coaching clients. It was a fundamental shift in her business model, which I knew would increase her business’s growth and allow her to have more personal margin. However, she began to retreat almost immediately. Why? Because she couldn’t see whatit might be.

Her response was not unusual. She was speaking from a common mindset among entrepreneurs. You must first understand the goals you are trying to achieve and then stop speculating about how will accomplish them. It comes later. First, understand the. These five steps will help you to have a crystal-clear view without having to convince yourself.


This decision must be deliberate and conscious. Now, think about it. It takes discipline to be clear about my goals for the next hour. You will find it tempting to slip back into trying to figure out how you can do it. You will be tempted to forget about your vision. This is normal, especially if you are afraid of the vision.


The ability to be mentally detached from the place they are is a skill that human beings have. This can be used to our advantage. You can locate yourself at any time in the future. It could be one year, three years or any other future date you choose. The key thing is to pick a specific date and mentally transport yourself there.

3. Record What You See

Force yourself to write down what you want. You can do this in two parts. First, just do a brain dump. This is the creative stage. Your goal is to get your vision out of you head. Next, refine your vision. This is the editing step. This stage is where you can rearrange and fix up your grammar.


Your vision might seem to be written in the future tense. Remember, your vision is all about the future. Don’t do it. Instead, write in present tense. This will make it appear more real. It will help convince your brain that this vision is real and it’s possible to make it a reality.


One sense of the vision is that it never ends. It is worth tweaking your vision until you get there. You’ll get more clarity as you move towards it. This stage is also a great time to share your vision with others you trust or with your team. This is where you need to be cautious. You don’t want to invite the naysayers in to the discussion. You need people who will give honest feedback and help to you get more clarity.

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