Home PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT How to find the balance you need for the life you want

How to find the balance you need for the life you want

by Nancy Hamilton
It can be easy to feel that we are constantly moving from one task to another. Our responsibilities at home, at work and at work. Our attention and time are constantly being consumed by seemingly endless demands. It is impossible to keep up with all the demands on our time and attention. Soon, certain areas of our lives may be neglected in favor of others.

Our lives are more important than our work. They encompass more than just our work-related social lives. It’s actually helpful to think of our lives as 10 interrelated domains. These include spiritual, intellectual and emotional, relationshipal, parental, financial, vocational, avocational, social, and parental.

These domains all have a common goal. Each affects the other. Your physical health can have an impact on your work performance, while your financial situation will have an impact on your social life. You must be able to touch all domains in order to live the life you desire. Only then can you achieve the balance that you desire. Knowing your performance in each of the 10 areas of your life is key to finding that balance. This is the only way to progress. It can be difficult to see the areas that are in pain. When it comes to our lives, our perspectives can be limited. What can you do to get clear about where you are at the moment? You can take the LifeScore Assessment online quick quiz.

Do not be intimidated by the word “quiz” and “assessment”. This tool gives you the visibility and allows you to rate yourself in each of the life domains. The tool then assigns a numerical value to your answers, and calculates your LifeScore. You will then receive a score-specific report that includes tips and strategies to help you improve your score over the next year.

You might be in the best of health, but your career is not moving forward. You might be passionate about new hobbies, and love every moment of it. But you are not connected to your spouse. This assessment will reveal these things and help determine which domains require the most attention so that you can grow and set goals.

The present is the foundation of the future. Tomorrow’s outcomes are determined by the decisions made today. If we don’t have a clear understanding of the current situation, our decisions and actions will be ill-informed. The LifeScore Assessment gives us the information we need to make important and balanced personal growth decisions. It takes only 10 minutes to complete the assessment. It’s simple and free. It’ll also give you the visibility that you need to make your year unforgettable.

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